16th Australian Delegation to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Mr Alan Tudge MP (Liberal Party of Australia) - Delegation Leader
Federal Member for Aston

Ms Dai Le (Liberal Party of Australia) 
Advisor to the Hon Joe Hockey MP, Shadow Treasurer and Federal Member for North Sydney

Mr Duncan Maclaine (Liberal Party of Australia) 
Chair, Sunnybank State Electoral Council

Mr Sel Sanli (Australian Labor Party) 
Councillor, Maribyrnong City Council

Ms Nadia Clancy (Australian Labor Party) 
Advisor to the Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Federal Member for Griffith

Mr David Latham (Australian Labor Party) 
Immediate past President, New South Wales Young Labor

Ms Belinda Henderson (Council Representative) 
Executive Officer, Australian Political Exchange Council

Counterpart Organisation

Youth International Cooperation Development Centre (CYDECO)

Cities Visited

Hanoi , Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City
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