Cr Milton Dick (Australian Labor Party) - Delegation Leader
Councillor for Richlands Ward
Brisbane City Council Leader of the Opposition, Opposition Spokesperson for Infrastructure
Cr Darcy Byrne (Australian Labor Party)
Mayor of Leichhardt
Electorate Officer, Office of the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Federal Member for Grayndler
Mr Michael Buckland (Australian Labor Party)
Member of the ALP National Policy Forum
Mr Thomas White (Liberal Party of Australia)
Policy Chairman, Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division)
Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Hon Peter Collier MLC, State Member for North Metropolitan Region
Mr Daniel Try (Liberal Party of Australia)
Advisor, Office of Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson, Minister for Veterans' Affairs, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC, Special Minister of State, Senator for Victoria
Ms Claire Coulton (The Nationals)
Policy Advisor, Office of the Hon Adrian Piccoli MP, State Member for Murrumbidgee
Chair of the New South Wales National Women's Council
Ms Suzy Domitrovic (Council Representative)
Executive Officer, Australian Political Exchange Council