28th Australian Delegation to the United States of America


Mr Murray Watt (Australian Labor Party) - Delegation Leader
Former State Member for Everton, Queensland

Ms Lizzie Blandthorn (Australian Labor Party)
Senior Vice President, Victorian Branch, Australian Labor Party

Ms Helen Moreland (Liberal Party of Australia)
Senior Advisor to the Hon Tony Abbott MP, Leader of the Opposition, Federal Member for Warringah

Mr Andrew Cox (Liberal Party of Australia)
Senior Campaign Advisor/Media Advisor, Victorian Division, Liberal Party of Australia

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (Australian Greens)
Senator for South Australia

Ms Emma Watts (The Nationals)
Chairman, Eden Monaro Electorate Council

Ms Belinda Henderson (Council Representative)
Executive Officer, Australian Political Exchange Council

Counterpart Organisation

American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL)

Cities Visited

Washington DC, Florida, Oklahoma
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