18th Australian Delegation to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Senator Cory Bernardi (Liberal Party of Australia) - Delegation Leader
Senator for South Australia

Mr Ross Macdonald (Liberal Party of Australia) 
Advisor, Office of the Hon Philip Ruddock MP, Chief Government Whip, Federal Member for Berowra

Mr Luke Achterstraat (Liberal Party of Australia) 
Assistant Advisor, Office of the Hon Andrew Robb AO MP, Minister for Trade and Investment, Federal Member for Goldstein

Mr Lorna Clarke (Australian Labor Party) 
Legal Policy Officer, Office of the Hon Bill Shorten MP, Leader of the Opposition, Federal Member for Maribyrnong

Mr Mathew Hilakari (Australian Labor Party) 
Electorate Officer, Office of the Hon Alan Griffin MP, Federal Member for Bruce

Mr Matthew Fraser (The Nationals) 
2013 Nationals' Candidate for the Federal seat of Richmond

Ms Suzy Domitrovic - (Council Representative) 
Executive Officer, Australian Political Exchange Council

Counterpart Organisation

Youth International Cooperation Development Centre (CYDECO)

Cities Visited

Hanoi, Hue City, Ho Chi Minh City
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