Mr Meng Heang Tak MP (Australian Labor Party) - Delegation Leader
Member for Clarinda, Legislative Assembly, Parliament of Victoria
Ms Erin Thompson MP (Australian Labor Party)
Member for Davenport, House of Assembly, Parliament of South Australia
Ms Molly Hughes (Liberal Party of Australia)
Senior Advisor to the Leader of the Opposition, The Hon Peter Dutton MP
Ms Roselina Press (Australian Greens)
Director of Communications and Deputy Chief of Staff to the Leader of the Victorian Greens Ms Ellen Sandell MP
Mr Clinton O’Farrell (Liberal Party of Australia)
Office Manager for the Member for Menzies, Mr Keith Wolahan MP
Mr Todd Pinkerton (Australian Labor Party)
Director of Campaigns and Strategy, Unions New South Wales
Ms Ella Stinson - Accompanying Officer
Australian Political Exchange Council