5th Delegation from the Republic of Korea


Mr Eui Dong Yu (Saenuri Party) - Delegation Leader
Member of the 19th National Assembly

Mr Jaeyel Lee (Saenuri Party)
Director, International Relations, Bureau of the Saenuri Party

Mr Byung-Ik Jung (Saenuri Party)
Cheif of Staff, Office of Mr Won Jin Cho, Member of the 19th National Assembly

Ms Sukyung Lim (The New Politics Alliance for Democracy)
Member of the 19th National Assembly

Mr Min Cheol Shin (The New Politics Alliance for Democracy)
Chairperson of the Autonomous Administrative Committee, Namyangju City Council

Mr Weonjeong Lee (The New Politics Alliance for Democracy)
Deputy Director, External Relations, Bureau of The New Politics Alliance for Democracy

Mr Changhee Han (Accompanying Officer)
Senior Program Officer of the Personnel Exchange Department, The Korea Foundation

Counterpart Organisation

The Korea Foundation

Cities Visited

Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney
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